To Boldly Flee: Part VIII
Director: Doug Walker
Year: 2012
Season: 5, Episode: 38
Episodes: 858
Plot: The crap hits the fan as Luke and Snob engage in a duel of the fates; the Nostalgia Critic has an out-of-universe experience and meets his maker; Linkara arrives to save the day aboard Comicron 1, and The Executor, Terl, Zod and Mechakara are destroyed. But what about the Critic? Will he decide to enter the real world or continue on in a scripted, contrived universe?—Anonymous
Original Title:
To Boldly Flee: Part VIII
Doug Walker
Rob Walker
Doug Walker
Rob Walker
Doug Walker
Michael Michaud
Jillian Zurawski
Holly Christine Brown
Type: episode
Year: 2012
Genres: Comedy
Brad Jones
Chad Rocco
Kinley Mochrie
Elisa Hansen
James Rolfe
Paul Schuler
Rob Walker
Doug Walker
Lindsay Ellis
Lewis Lovhaug
Noah Antwiler
Phelan Porteous
Victoria Turner
Bennett White
Kaylyn Saucedo
Mickey Paradis
Brian Heinz
Mike Jeavons
Mathew Buck
Justin Carmical
Allison Pregler
Dena Natali
Nikolas Freeman
Joe Vargas
Jacob Hope Chapman
Orlando Belisle
Antonella Inserra
Julien Diaz
Todd Nathanson
John Aprigliano
Nash Bozard
Kyle Kallgren
Leo Thompson
Eric Rodriguez
Elliot Law
Original Air Date: 13 Sep 2012
Rating: 7.1
Votes: 60
Year: 2012
Production Companies:
Blip Studios
Rob Walker
Doug Walker
Michael Michaud
Jillian Zurawski
Holly Christine Brown
Art Direction:
Jim Troken
United States:TV-MA
Doug Walker
Sound Crew:
Terrence Dellinger
Justin Barnes
Miscellaneous Crew:
Marek Wodzinski
Ed Glaser
Haley Barnes
Terrence Dellinger
Rob Walker
Lindsay Ellis
Michael Michaud
James Jarosz
Robin Poage
Holly Christine Brown
Jim Troken
Justin Barnes
James Warren
Make Up:
Haley Barnes
Camera and Electrical Department:
Terrence Dellinger
Rob Walker
Doug Walker
James Jarosz
Justin Barnes
Special Effects:
Noah Antwiler
Phelan Porteous
Marek Wodzinski
David Wenol
Alyssa Raabe
Tony Katajisto
Script Department:
Jillian Zurawski
Season: 5
Episode: 38
Number of Episodes: 858
Episode of:
To Boldly Flee: Part VIII