Thou Shalt Not Reward Vanity, Ambition or Deceit - Except in the Case of Political Leaders


Thou Shalt Not Reward Vanity, Ambition or Deceit - Except in the Case of Political Leaders

Director: Roger Stott

Year: 1987

Season: 4, Episode: 7

Episodes: 47

Original Title: Thou Shalt Not Reward Vanity, Ambition or Deceit - Except in the Case of Political Leaders
Director: Roger Stott
Producer: Frances Gumley , Jim Murray
Type: episode
Year: 1987
Genres: Documentary, Talk-Show
Cast: Bill Deedes , Julia Neuberger , Frederick Elwyn Jones
Original Air Date: 26 Jul 1987
Producer: Frances Gumley , Jim Murray
Season: 4
Episode: 7
Number of Episodes: 47
Episode of: Thou Shalt Not Reward Vanity, Ambition or Deceit - Except in the Case of Political Leaders