The Underground Guys - IMDb

The Underground Guys - IMDb

Director: Rydrea Walker

Plot: Four college girls are kidnapped and handcuffed in the basement with no hope of rescue due to a house is in the middle of the forest. They have to find a way how to unhandcuff themselves and escape from the house together.
Director: Rydrea Walker
Writer: Rydrea Walker
Producer: Rydrea Walker
Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Countries: United States
Languages: American Sign Language
Color Info: Color
Akas: The Underground Guys (United States)
Production Companies: RDW Productions , WarriorsGate Pictures
Distributors: WarriorsGate Entertainment
Cinematographer: Andrew Jude Quinonez
Producer: Rydrea Walker
Production Status: pre production
Production Status Updated: 16 Dec 2019