The Strong Gale


The Strong Gale


Year: 1908

Plot: As the band plays popular airs for the enjoyment of the large crowd gathered, a terrible windstorm suddenly comes up, which plays havoc with the ladles' hats and parasols. There is a newsstand situated near the band, and in charge of a funny old woman. When the wind gets a sweep at it, up it goes heavenward, bearing its terrified occupant, who holds on for dear life. We see ii float over the city, followed by the large crowd, and soon the police and soldiers join in the chase, and there is no end of excitement as the stand sails along like a balloon. Finally the wind dies down and the thing drops earthward and lands in the middle of the river and floats downstream, while the frightened woman does her best to keep from drowning. Suddenly she tumbles into the water, but some of the crowd secure a boat and come to her rescue, and we see them carrying her to the shore, where, after some time, they succeed in reviving her, while her impromptu aeroplane floats away.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: Un terrible coup de vent
Type: movie
Year: 1908
Genres: Short, Comedy
Countries: France
Languages: None , French
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 1908 (France)
Akas: The Strong Gale (United States)
Production Companies: Pathé Frères
Distributors: Pathé Frères , Pathé Frères
Other Companies: Pathé Frères