The Re-Making of a Man


The Re-Making of a Man


Year: 1910

Plot: Harry Allen is a victim of the liquor habit. After a jolly spree with the sports, he enters his father's home very drunk. His father, a banker, of high social standing, orders his son to leave the house and never enter it again until he is a real man. Two years pass, and the son is going a downward path rapidly. We see him, as a bum, thrown out of a saloon. Harry enters a café and begs a drink of two men, Richard Grant and his friend, who are seated at tables. The waiter attempts to eject Harry, but Grant interferes. Something about Harry awakens Grant's sympathy and he says to his friend: "This fellow is not bad, and I am going to make a man out of him." Grant takes Harry to his apartment, treats him to a bath, a shave, good food and good clothes, and then gives him a position in his office. Lillian Clay, a society girl, who is engaged to be married to Grant, calls at his office, meets Harry and becomes infatuated with him. A short time after, at a ball at Lillian's home, she tells Harry that she loves him. Harry, faithful in his devotion to the man who saved him from a drunkard's grave, determines to go away; and he writes a letter to Grant, telling him that he is compelled to leave town and cannot explain. A letter is handed to Harry. It is from his father's lawyer and tells him that his letter to his father had come too late, as his father had died some weeks before, leaving his entire fortune to Harry. Two years pass. Grant is in trouble. Large losses in business have brought him to the verge of ruin. If he does not take up a note for $32,000 before three o'clock he is a ruined man. Despair drives him almost insane. He writes a note to his wife, Lillian, and then seizing a revolver, is about to end his life. A rap is heard on the door, and Harry Allen enters. He compels Grant to tell him the cause of his trouble. Allen pulls out a pocket checkbook and says, "I am a millionaire now. All I have is at your disposal." He takes out a check and hands it to Grant to fill in the amount, and then Harry, accompanied by the office boy, dashes out to the bank to take up that note and save his friend. When Allen returns to tell Grant that the matter is settled and that he can hold up his head proudly as a merchant, he finds Grant's wife, Lillian, there. The wife sees the two men hug each other and dance for joy, but she never knew just why.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: The Re-Making of a Man
Producer: Pat Powers
Type: movie
Year: 1910
Genres: Short, Drama
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 19 Apr 1910 (USA)
Production Companies: Powers Picture Plays
Distributors: Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company
Producer: Pat Powers