The Legend of Dusty Mills


The Legend of Dusty Mills

Director: Matthew Ryan Ford

Year: 2011

Plot: A quirky dark comedy about Dusty Mills, now the epitome of the redneck stereotype, with the one exception that he still speaks with a Californian accent. He is back in his hometown of Huntington Beach where he creates a stir at a house party and remembers why he left in the first place.—Anonymous
Original Title: The Legend of Dusty Mills
Director: Matthew Ryan Ford
Writer: Matthew Ryan Ford , Jes Thorud , Jeff Steiskal , Graham Walker
Producer: Dani Gaj , Talia Michelle
Type: movie
Year: 2011
Genres: Short, Comedy
Cast: Matthew Rogers Harrison , Jennifer Bainbridge , Jeff Steiskal
Runtimes: 6
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Cinematographer: Ami Mochizuki
Producer: Dani Gaj , Talia Michelle
Art Direction: Ashley Hankla
Editor: Vern Moen , John Raines
Sound Crew: Gerald Carter
Miscellaneous Crew: Jenna Park
Assistant Director: Jes Thorud , Alli Kay Leung