The Jill Day Show

tv series

The Jill Day Show


Year: 1957

Seasons: 1

Original Title: The Jill Day Show
Writer: Jill Day
Type: tv series
Year: 1957
Genres: Comedy, Music
Cast: Somethin' Smith and the Redheads , Denny Bettis , Jill Day , Laurie Johnson , Johnny Pearson , Robert Ayres , Anton Rodgers , Tonia Bern , Harold Berens , Hugh Stewart
Runtimes: 30
Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Mono
Production Companies: British Broadcasting Corporation
Distributors: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Number of Seasons: 1
Series Years: 1957-1957