The Insane Biology of: The Platypus


The Insane Biology of: The Platypus


Year: 2021

Season: unknown, Episode: unknown

Episodes: 8

Plot: At first glance the platypus looks like it was assembled from the body parts of birds, mammals and reptiles. It is a mammal called a monotreme that split with marsupials and placentals about 200 million years ago. Native to Australia, it's cousin monotremes probably became extinct with marsupials invaded, the platypus surviving because it was primarily aquatic.—David Foss
Original Title: The Insane Biology of: The Platypus
Type: episode
Year: 2021
Genres: Family
Cast: Stephanie Sammann
Runtimes: 16
Original Air Date: 26 Jun 2021
Season: unknown
Episode: unknown
Number of Episodes: 8
Episode of: The Insane Biology of: The Platypus