The Hoodoo Alarm Clock


The Hoodoo Alarm Clock


Year: 1910

Plot: Did you ever have a telegram thrust into your hands, making it imperative for you to leave town suddenly on some urgent business, and rush home to make hasty preparations for catching the next train to your proposed destination, and meet with all sorts and varieties of difficulties in finding the things you require for the trip, and then, when your valise is quite completely filled, misplace it, and search In the most improbable places and finally find it placed in a conspicuous position on the table, and eventually are ready to leave, and kiss your wife good-bye, when she suddenly discovers that you have forgotten to shave, and rush back to wield the razor, and that finished, prepare a second time to leave the house, when you suddenly feel for your hat and discover that it is elsewhere than on your head, and start a wild search for your capillary covering, and after a strenuous exploration finally find it and finally leave the house and get as far as the corner when something you have forgotten occurs to you, and you make a scramble back to the house, and stand on the bathtub to look for the desired article, and suddenly miss your footing and slip into the water, this, of course, necessitating a change of clothing and an incidental delay of many minutes, and then realize that yon still have time to make the train if you hustle things up, only to get at the station just as your train is pulling out? Well, that is just the experience Cyrus Smith undergoes, except that in the heartrending moment of mournful deliberation after he realizes that he has missed his train, he discovers that he has tied the alarm clock about his neck instead of fastening his watch to the chain. Gloomily, he retraces his steps from the railroad station, and falls in with a few boon companions, to whom he relates his misadventure, and who suggest to him that he drown his sorrow in the nectar of the Democrats. But judging from the quantity of the beverage he imbibes, his sorrow has learned to swim, and when at last he takes the few shortest ways home, he is a sadder Budweiser man. Arrived there, he closets himself up in his room. His wife, who has very good ear-sight, hears the sound of someone moving, and afraid to open the door, sends for neighbors, and a few of the arms of the law, who open the door and discovers the miscreant. Of course, his wife intervenes and prevents his arrest, and probably waits until the cold gray dawn of the morning after for the traditional curtain treatise.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: The Hoodoo Alarm Clock
Producer: Carl Laemmle
Type: movie
Year: 1910
Genres: Short, Comedy
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 11 Aug 1910 (USA)
Production Companies: Independent Moving Pictures Co. of America
Distributors: Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company
Producer: Carl Laemmle