The Haunted House


The Haunted House


Year: 1899

Plot: Silas Hayseed arrives in town and proceeds to put up a hotel noted for its 'tables,' which are all made of hard wood. The country yokel is shown to his room and divests himself of his best Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes. His little bunch of whiskers that adorn his chin seem to be as proud of him as his Melindy Jane, whom he left in Grassville, back over yonder. He is finally undressed and tumbles into bed, resolving meanwhile to dream of the good prices he will realize in his produce. While pondering over matters, he looks around and discovers a Ghost standing in the middle of the room. Silas becomes scared, begosh, and leaping out on the floor begs the Ghost to do him no harm. The Ghost suddenly vanishes and the Hayseed is about to jump into bed again when Satan appears from under the sheets and scares him to such an extent that he is willing to promise him even a box of fresh rooster eggs if he will only go away. But his Satanic Majesty says 'nit,' and he is almost frantic. After causing much excitement our poor unfortunate Silas is hustled out in the street, but we are not informed whether he gets his money back or not. This film will cause tears to flow with laughter."—Lubin Catalog
Original Title: The Haunted House
Producer: Siegmund Lubin
Type: movie
Year: 1899
Genres: Short, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Countries: United States
Languages: None
Color Info: Black and White
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: Aug 1899 (USA)
Rating: 6.2
Votes: 51
Year: 1899
Production Companies: S. Lubin
Distributors: S. Lubin
Producer: Siegmund Lubin