The Gaslamp Program - IMDb

The Gaslamp Program - IMDb

Director: Chase Korzep

Plot: When two KGB operatives wait for a bomb to detonate, one of them suspects the other one for being a double agent.
Director: Chase Korzep
Writer: Chase Korzep
Producer: Chase Korzep , Aselya Kopt
Genres: Short, Action
Cast: Michael Hooper , Aselya Kopt
Runtimes: 6
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Akas: The Gaslamp Program (United States)
Production Companies: Sad Urn Productions
Cinematographer: Sean Singer
Producer: Chase Korzep , Aselya Kopt
Box Office: $2,000 (estimated)
Production Status: post production
Production Status Updated: 07 Aug 2023