The Cowboy's Devotion
Year: 1910
Plot: The daughter of a rancher has been sent east for a boarding school and college education and she is about to return to the ranch not only with the education, but with a prospective husband, a fragile young fellow vastly different from the real men among whom her early life was spent and perhaps attractive for that reason. Reginald van Hayden is a pretty poor specimen of a man, measured by western standards, even though he has been the despair of scores of ambitious mamas back east, and Marjorie rather enjoys the small social triumph of landing the masculine catch of the circle in which she moved. Jim Bedlow, the ranch foreman, is asked by her father to go to the train and meet her, and the announcement of her engagement is a blow to the big, brave foreman, who, through all these years, has carried her picture in his watch case and has hoped some day to win her love. He has a mighty struggle with himself alone in the bunk house and fights down the despair that is gnawing at his heart. He shows nothing of his love as he greets the girl to woman grown and the attenuated fiancé, who regards him with frankly rude curiosity. He helps them into the carriage and they start off, not knowing that a small band of Apaches have jumped the reservation and have taken to the warpath. They are discovered and chase is given. The trunks are thrown overboard to lighten the load, but it is not enough. Jim's practiced eye tells him that the horses cannot carry three to safety, where two might gain through, particularly if a diversion were created in their favor. Checking the galloping ponies, he steps out of the wagon, heedless of Marjorie's protests, and, pistol in hand, stands bravely awaiting the attack. One prisoner is enough for the Apaches; the chase is abandoned and the devoted cowboy is carried off. The arrival of the wagon at the ranch gives the alarm and the men ride off to rescue or avenge their chum. They arrive just as Jim has been tied to the stake and the wood about his feet ignited. A few well-placed shots disperse the redskins and the cowboy is rescued from his peril. They return in triumph to the ranch, where Reginald has been having a very bad half-hour with the girl, who above all things despises a coward, and Reggie was far from the hero during the attack. She returns him his ring and some days later, when she weeks her rescuer in the bunk house where he prefers to spend his convalescence rather than in the "big house," where he will have to watch the lovers, things straighten out and the girl of the west marries one of her own people after all.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title:
The Cowboy's Devotion
Siegmund Lubin
Type: movie
Year: 1910
Genres: Short, Western
Rita Davis
Harry Myers
United States
Color Info:
Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix:
Original Air Date: 12 May 1910 (USA)
Production Companies:
Lubin Manufacturing Company
Lubin Manufacturing Company
Siegmund Lubin