The Brotherhood

tv movie

The Brotherhood

Director: Terry Carlyon

Year: 2003

Original Title: The Brotherhood
Director: Terry Carlyon
Writer: Andrew Rule
Producer: Terry Carlyon , Robyn Miller
Type: tv movie
Year: 2003
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Lachlan McCulloch , Sayed Najem , Lyralen Kaye , Simba Dibinga , Janel Moloney
Runtimes: 52
Countries: Australia
Languages: English
Original Air Date: 19 Feb 2003 (Australia)
Rating: 7.5
Votes: 9
Year: 2003
Production Companies: Carlyon-Miller Productions
Distributors: Special Broadcasting Service
Producer: Terry Carlyon , Robyn Miller
Editorial Department: John Brawley
Sound Crew: John Brawley , Chris Navarro , Emma Bortignon , Keith Thomas
Visual Effects: Michael Carter