The Barrier of Bars


The Barrier of Bars

Director: Allan Dwan

Year: 1913

Plot: Worthington is a confidential clerk in the office of a manufacturing concern. Living beyond his means, he has just received a letter from one of his creditors to the effect that if he does not pay his debt his employer will be informed. Thus spurred on, he robs his employer's safe. While in the act, he is discovered by factory hand Kerrigan. There is a struggle. Kerrigan is stunned and falls with a number of the stolen bills in his hand. The daughter of the factory owner finds him. The owner accuses Kerrigan of the theft. He is tried and condemned to a long term of imprisonment. He says nothing in his defense because the blow delivered by Worthington robbed him of his memory. One year later, Worthington becomes a partner in the manufacturing business on the money he stole from the safe. The manufacturer's daughter is still interested in Kerrigan and visits him in his cell, where she finds his mind still blank. The prison authorities investigate and Kerrigan undergoes an operation. It is a success and Kerrigan picks up the thread of his life. He tells his story, which is discredited. The girl visits him again, hears, and believes. She smuggles a file to him in the back of a Bible. He escapes, then confronts and accuses Worthington. The real culprit cannot bear up under the mental strain of the accusation. He confesses and is taken to prison. Kerrigan is rewarded with the manufacturer's daughter's hand.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: The Barrier of Bars
Director: Allan Dwan
Type: movie
Year: 1913
Genres: Short, Drama, Romance
Cast: J. Warren Kerrigan , Jessalyn Van Trump , George Periolat , William Worthington
Runtimes: 11
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 01 Dec 1913 (USA)
Production Companies: Victor Film Company
Distributors: Universal Film Manufacturing Company , Trans-Atlantic Film Co.
Certificates: United Kingdom:U