Sleepshow/The Audition


Sleepshow/The Audition

Director: Jason Hartung

Year: 2015

Season: 1, Episode: 9

Episodes: 40

Plot: Emmie is stuck in a nightmare leaving Sadie to go in her dreams and save her. The Walzaks audition to get into a fancy school only to find out the teacher is the monster dog in disguise.
Original Title: Sleepshow/The Audition
Director: Jason Hartung
Writer: Angel Schroeder
Producer: Isaac Stone
Type: episode
Year: 2015
Genres: Animation
Cast: Jackson Buscher , Angel Schroeder , Korryn Sorenson , Daniel Gilchrist , Nicole Buscher , Samuel Olson , Tyler Olson , Jordin Weisz , Morgan Smith
Original Air Date: 17 Mar 2015
Producer: Isaac Stone
Art Direction: Jacob Salvidore
Animation Department: Darwin Young
Season: 1
Episode: 9
Number of Episodes: 40
Episode of: Sleepshow/The Audition