Sid Millward and Wally Stewart with the Nitwits


Sid Millward and Wally Stewart with the Nitwits

Director: Norman Sedawie

Year: 1967

Season: 1, Episode: 14

Episodes: 35

Original Title: Sid Millward and Wally Stewart with the Nitwits
Director: Norman Sedawie
Producer: G.B. Lupino
Type: episode
Year: 1967
Genres: Music
Cast: The Nitwits , Sid Millward , Wally Stewart
Original Air Date: 13 Apr 1967
Producer: G.B. Lupino
Production Design: Alan Hunter-Craig
Season: 1
Episode: 14
Number of Episodes: 35
Episode of: Sid Millward and Wally Stewart with the Nitwits