Director: Jeff Petry
Year: 2014
Plot: A young boy, Thomas, visits his grandparent's home for the first time since his grandfather's passing. Confronted by a new silence and stillness, he wanders the house looking at reminders of his grandfather's life and influence. Thomas goes to the basement where the Grandfather's workshop sits undisturbed since his death. At the workshop table Thomas finds a model ship left in the final stages of completion. Here he sits with the memories of his grandfather building models and telling stories, recalling only glimpses and fragments of the old man. Thomas' dream state is gently interrupted by his Grandmother, Rosa as she comes to check in on him. He shares with Rosa that the house feels different and asks her why she keeps everything of the Grandfather's. She sighs stating only that she likes the echo of his presence. Thomas goes to bed in a room that seems very familiar to him. Soon after he falls asleep, a strange sound begins to grow louder, until eventually the sound of bending and crunching wood is overwhelming. Thomas wakes abruptly to see the figurehead of a ship in the form of a woman coming towards him. He shrinks back against the headboard in retreat at which point he wakes confused to a new morning. Thomas goes back to the basement and eyes the ship suspiciously before moving on to explore. Routing through boxes, he comes across an old pair of binoculars and sets out to wander. He spends the afternoon exploring the coastline, visiting an old lighthouse and watching ships sail by. Thomas reads in bed. Before turning out the light he spots a painting on the wall depicting a ship caught at sea. He removes it from the wall and slides it under the bed before climbing in. He is woken moments after dozing off to the deafening sound of wind and waves and quickly realizes there is a ocean, angrily crashing outside his window. He wakes with a gasp and runs to the basement, grabbing an old shirt of his grandfather's and quickly gets to work making sails for the ship. He takes the ship from the basement and walks it to a beach beside the lighthouse, where he releases it to the water, watching it sail away with relief. Again, back in his bed reading, he looks to the window and closes the curtain before turning out the light. Thomas runs at dawn to the lighthouse with his binoculars in frantic search of the ship. He scans the horizon and finds nothing. He removes his clothes and jumps into the frigid ocean water, swimming out into the open before diving under. Under the water, Thomas dives deeper through the green darkness. A giant structure emerges from the murk as he plunges ever deeper. He pulls up suddenly seeing that his ship, now life-sized, rests broken at the bottom of the sea. He stays for as long as his lungs will allow before forced to the surface to a rising sun and a new reality.—Jeff Petry
Original Title:
Jeff Petry
Jeff Petry
Jesse Savath
Jeff Petry
Type: movie
Year: 2014
Genres: Short, Fantasy
Nikolas Filipovic
Karin Konoval
Color Info:
Ship (Canada)
Production Companies:
Salazar Film
Stirling Bancroft
Jesse Savath
Jeff Petry
Edo Van Breemen
Nathan Drillot
Aynsley Baldwin
Sound Crew:
Vidar Grande
Visual Effects:
Graham Kew
Ang Nasiakos
Stuart Langfield
Costume Designer:
Kerry Weinrauch
Make Up:
Jon Hennessey
Jenna Kuchera
Camera and Electrical Department:
Collin Morrison
Dmytro Kolesnyk
Charlotte Labelle
Anna MacDonald
Peter Planta
Tegan Musser
Costume Department:
Kevin Harrison
Mila Franovic
Production Design:
Danny Vermette
Kara Eide