Shawn Michaels: Best Hits from the Heartbreak Kid
video movie

Shawn Michaels: Best Hits from the Heartbreak Kid

Director: Kevin Dunn

Year: 1996

Original Title: Shawn Michaels: Best Hits from the Heartbreak Kid
Director: Kevin Dunn
Writer: Vince McMahon
Producer: Vince McMahon
Type: video movie
Year: 1996
Genres: Sport
Cast: Chris Chavis , James E. Cornette , Ted DiBiase , Scott Hall , Owen Hart , Curt Hennig , Vince McMahon , Shawn Michaels , Kevin Nash , Yokozuna
Runtimes: 56
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 1996 (USA)
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 11
Year: 1996
Production Companies: Titan Sports
Distributors: Silver Video Production
Producer: Vince McMahon