Screenplay Movie: Pizza Co.


Screenplay Movie: Pizza Co.

Director: Michael Bruno

Year: 2021

Plot: When two pizza delivery drivers get stuck in the fallout of a superhero battle, they must maneuver their way through extra-ordinary obstacles to make the thirty-minute deadline.
Original Title: Screenplay Movie: Pizza Co.
Director: Michael Bruno
Writer: Michael Bruno
Producer: Matthew Toffolo
Type: movie
Year: 2021
Genres: Animation, Short, Action, Comedy
Cast: Sean Ballantyne , Shawn Devlin , Steve Rizzo , Allison Kampf , Bill Poulin
Runtimes: 34
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Production Companies: Wildcard Pictures
Distributors: Wildcard Pictures
Producer: Matthew Toffolo
Box Office: $3,000 (estimated)
Editor: Kimberly Villarruel