Sam Pamphilon

podcast episode

Sam Pamphilon


Year: 2020

Season: 2, Episode: 2

Episodes: 111

Plot: Comedian and actor Sam Pamphilon joins their Sam his recent separation and his pending application to The Divorce Club. The two chat alcohol dependency, experiencing depression and his indifference for interior design in another honest episode with laughs in the darkest moments. Sam confesses to being more at fault in the break up of his marriage and hopes that someone will just turn up at his door and announce he is divorced one day... alas there are many forms to fill in before that happens.
Original Title: Sam Pamphilon
Type: podcast episode
Year: 2020
Genres: Talk-Show
Cast: Samantha Baines , Sam Pamphilon
Runtimes: 33
Original Air Date: 04 Aug 2020
Production Companies: Acast Studios
Season: 2
Episode: 2
Number of Episodes: 111