Reach For The Stars: Trials of Galileo/Yuri Gagarin's Flight


Reach For The Stars: Trials of Galileo/Yuri Gagarin's Flight


Year: 2004

Season: 2, Episode: 6

Episodes: 33

Plot: 12 April 1633 and 12 April 1961 Two days on which science challenged the conventional view of our place in the universe: April 12, 1633 when Galileo stands trial for heresy for claiming the sun and not the Earth is the centre of the known universe, and exactly 328 years to the day later (1961) when Soviet cosmonaut Major Yuri Gagarin steps from the Earth into space.
Original Title: Reach For The Stars: Trials of Galileo/Yuri Gagarin's Flight
Producer: David Upshal , Jane Quigley
Type: episode
Year: 2004
Genres: Documentary, History
Cast: Brian Palatucci , Torsten Buchsteiner , Robert Hummel
Original Air Date: 08 Nov 2004
Rating: 8.4
Votes: 10
Year: 2004
Producer: David Upshal , Jane Quigley
Composer: Andy Bush , Dave Gale
Editor: Ross Bradley
Editorial Department: Des Murray
Sound Crew: Jon Stanton Dunn , Roger Dobson
Other Companies: Molinare Studio
Season: 2
Episode: 6
Number of Episodes: 33
Episode of: Reach For The Stars: Trials of Galileo/Yuri Gagarin's Flight