Over the Sea and by the Clouds


Over the Sea and by the Clouds

Director: Rise Keltmening

Year: 2008

Original Title: Over the Sea and by the Clouds
Director: Rise Keltmening
Writer: Rise Keltmening , Will Somes
Type: movie
Year: 2008
Genres: Animation, Short
Cast: Elvis Parker-Jones , Isa Felmin , Victor Ramsos , Wally Park , Elizabeth Warent , Manning Olson , Nicki Wes , Ron Elson , Wik Andor , Rey Olson
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Black and White
Composer: Ray Alwitch
Editor: Rise Ketmening
Sound Crew: Ryan Horn
Animation Department: Ker Velmore , Sarah Wasoms
Assistant Director: Kim Jontons
Casting Department: Jim Macktons