Our Ninth Client - Vacations: Friend Or Foe?


Our Ninth Client - Vacations: Friend Or Foe?


Year: 2020

Season: 1, Episode: 10

Episodes: 118

Plot: Our smug, self-important narcissist returns from a family vacation and commandeers our ninth client, Vacations: Friend Or Foe. Whilst preening, the conversation still goes its own way and envelops driving way too fast in Europe, orgasmic Life Savers (butterscotch, by the way), the beauty of Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons and Glacier National Park, close encounters with polar bears and bison and using lawn mowers to remove snakes. Strap in.—Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker
Original Title: Our Ninth Client - Vacations: Friend Or Foe?
Type: episode
Year: 2020
Genres: Talk-Show
Original Air Date: 20 Aug 2020
Distributors: Anchor.FM , Apple Podcasts , YouTube
Season: 1
Episode: 10
Number of Episodes: 118
Episode of: Our Ninth Client - Vacations: Friend Or Foe?