



Year: 1912

Plot: John Renton gripped his sister's hand and pointed out a huge billboard. It announced that Gouron, "The Violinist of the Century," would favor New York with one recital that evening. Patting her shoulder, he sent her home and betook himself to a poor quarter of the town, and taking his violin from its case began to play. In the course of an hour, a few pennies were bestowed upon him, when suddenly a representative of one of the "finest" brusquely told him to move on. At the same time the St. Regis was the scene of great excitement welcoming Gouron, who, in company with his manager, Ryler, was making ready to depart for his recital. Ryler was summoned ahead, however, and Gouron, accompanied by his valet, stepped into his taxi. Fate saw fit to provide a drunken driver for the great Gouron and in a squalid portion of the city the car came to an abrupt stop, and Gouron was forced to make his way on foot. Suddenly Gouron quieted the valet's complaints with an imperative gesture, and turning into a doorway listened intently, for to his sensitive ear came the music of a great soul. Gouron tiptoed his way toward the source of the exquisite harmony. The musician was Renton. Gouron was great enough to be above the petty jealousies of a lesser artist and impulsively becoming acquainted with the Rentons and the circumstances, bethought him of a benevolent ploy to provide the boy with his opportunity. Gouron realized that not one person in the audience would probably know him by sight, and his plan was nothing less than to have Renton give his recital. A hurried change of clothes was effected, and the bewildered boy and his awe-struck sister taken to the theater where Gouron forced the unwilling Ryler to accede to his plans, and Ryler in an agony of trepidation introduced Renton to the anxiously waiting audience as the great Gouron. The recital fulfilled Gouron's expectations. Renton's triumph was immediate and terrific and Gouron himself at the close of the recital stepping upon the stage and taking the trembling boy's hand in his, courageously told the audience of the deception he had practiced upon them in order that a genius might be presented to the world.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: Opportunity
Type: movie
Year: 1912
Genres: Drama, Short
Cast: Gaston Bell
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 26 Mar 1912 (USA)
Production Companies: Majestic Motion Picture Company
Distributors: Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company