Operation an der offenen Halsschlag-Ader


Operation an der offenen Halsschlag-Ader


Year: 2016

Season: 1, Episode: 12

Episodes: 91

Plot: Trauma Hospital Berlin: A boy and his mother are waiting for the assistant physician Dr. Jesse Ang. The ten-year-old has suffered a nasty injury in gym class. The doctor is quickly able to make a diagnosis - and it is not a pleasant one for the little man and his mother. And: In the Malteser Clinic St. Anna in Duisburg, a 59-year-old man is waiting for his operation. The patient has a severe carotid artery stenosis that can lead to death without surgery.—Zalhera
Original Title: Operation an der offenen Halsschlag-Ader
Type: episode
Year: 2016
Genres: Drama
Runtimes: 30
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 16 Feb 2016
Akas: Operation an der offenen Halsschlag-Ader (Germany)
Certificates: Germany:12
Season: 1
Episode: 12
Number of Episodes: 91
Episode of: Operation an der offenen Halsschlag-Ader