tv series



Year: 2016

Seasons: 6

Plot: With the knowledge he acquired in his passage through the Automatic House, Napoleon begins his journey in his own world.
Original Title: NapoleWorld
Writer: Hugo Santos Ferraz
Type: tv series
Year: 2016
Genres: Adventure, Comedy
Cast: Paulo Viníccius Santos Ferraz , Davi Freitas , Hugo Santos Ferraz , Bruno Gabriel , João Emanuel , Guilherme Augusto , Pedro Lima
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Color Info: Color
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 HD
Sound Mix: Stereo
Rating: 9.3
Votes: 22
Year: 2016
Production Companies: Redstone Gang
Distributors: YouTube
Certificates: Brazil:Not Rated
Number of Seasons: 6
Series Years: 2016-