Naked Fist


Naked Fist

Director: Yasushi Koshizaka

Year: 2021

Plot: Akira (Mako Omaki) was helped by Tetsuko (Moe Amatsuka), a user of "Hadakaken", who was attacked by the vigilantism. She tries to learn "Hadaka Fist" to help her captive boyfriend, but it is a fist method that causes the other party to die by sexual intercourse. Using "Hadakaken" means losing her virginity. Should I protect my boyfriend (loved one) or virgin (virgin)? What is the too sad conclusion of the maiden who is shaken by the conflict?
Original Title: Naked Fist
Director: Yasushi Koshizaka
Writer: Takahashi Yuta
Type: movie
Year: 2021
Genres: Action
Cast: Chuck Johnson , Ayaka Tomoda , Louis Mori , Hana Misora , Mako Omaki , Angel Moe , Miki Narutani , Mitsuteru Ikeda , Kenshiro Watase , Natsumi Tadashi
Runtimes: 51
Countries: Japan
Languages: Japanese
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 30 Aug 2021 (Japan)
Akas: Hadaka Ken (Japan, Japanese title)
Box Office: JPY440 (estimated)
Stunt Performer: Chuck Johnson , Hayate Masao