MCT Sub-Atomic - The Crippled Masters
Year: 2008
Season: 6, Episode: 8
Episodes: 344
Plot: 1979 - Two men skilled in the arts of Kung-Fu are betrayed by their master and crippled for life. Despite their obvious disadvantages, they learn to combine their martial arts skills and seek revenge against the evil master.
Original Title:
MCT Sub-Atomic - The Crippled Masters
Type: episode
Year: 2008
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Brian Easterling
Original Air Date: 17 Aug 2008
Brian Easterling
Visual Effects:
Brian Easterling
Season: 6
Episode: 8
Number of Episodes: 344
Episode of:
MCT Sub-Atomic - The Crippled Masters