M98 - Peanuts and Bar Galaxies - Deep Sky Videos


M98 - Peanuts and Bar Galaxies - Deep Sky Videos


Year: 2018

Season: unknown, Episode: unknown

Episodes: 118

Plot: Mike Merrifield describes his research project that found a correlation between "face on" spiral galaxies with a barred central bulge and 'edge on' galaxies with a lobed or peanut shaped central bulge and why he thinks the lobes occur.
Original Title: M98 - Peanuts and Bar Galaxies - Deep Sky Videos
Type: episode
Year: 2018
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Mike Merrifield , Brady Haran
Runtimes: 8
Original Air Date: 31 May 2018
Season: unknown
Episode: unknown
Number of Episodes: 118
Episode of: M98 - Peanuts and Bar Galaxies - Deep Sky Videos