Liars Exposed... Did My Husband Cheat with My Stepsister?


Liars Exposed... Did My Husband Cheat with My Stepsister?


Year: 2013

Season: unknown, Episode: unknown

Episodes: 5054

Plot: Lie-detector tests are given to suspected cheaters, including a man who was caught coming out of the bedroom with his fiancée's best friend.
Original Title: Liars Exposed... Did My Husband Cheat with My Stepsister?
Producer: Susan Karlik-Lee
Type: episode
Year: 2013
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Talk-Show
Cast: Maury Povich
Original Air Date: 15 Feb 2013
Producer: Susan Karlik-Lee
Certificates: Australia:M , United States:TV-14
Sound Crew: Brian Brooker
Miscellaneous Crew: Christopher Burnley
Costume Department: Courtney Schultz
Season: unknown
Episode: unknown
Number of Episodes: 5054
Episode of: Liars Exposed... Did My Husband Cheat with My Stepsister?