Leo & Layla Meet Susan B. Anthony


Leo & Layla Meet Susan B. Anthony


Year: 2023

Season: 4, Episode: 5

Episodes: 51

Plot: What was the women's suffrage movement, and how did it change the right to vote in America? This animated video about Susan B. Anthony, renowned women's suffragist from the 19th century, will entertain and educate your elementary kids about important American history and why we should not take for granted the rights that others before us have fought for.—Emilia
Original Title: Leo & Layla Meet Susan B. Anthony
Type: episode
Year: 2023
Genres: Animation, Family
Original Air Date: 17 Mar 2023
Rating: 9.0
Votes: 8
Year: 2023
Season: 4
Episode: 5
Number of Episodes: 51
Episode of: Leo & Layla Meet Susan B. Anthony