In Out Con-fusions


In Out Con-fusions

Director: Robert Praxmarer

Year: 2007

Plot: CONfusions is an experimental real-time video sound portrait of Prague. With algorithmic deconstruction of architectural photographs the city is reconstructed in a visual flow which serves as a metaphor for transition and change. This work tries to catch the vibe and speed of Prague, steadily reconstructed, torn apart for new shopping centers, blending all together and leaving the illusion of beauty in a monotone but colorful self-consuming void. It is an exploration departing from urban microstructures to a more general view onto our lifestyles of speed, consumption and visual entertainment. Analog fragments are melted with digital algorithms to question what is left.—Athens Video Art Festival
Original Title: In Out Con-fusions
Director: Robert Praxmarer
Type: movie
Year: 2007
Genres: Short
Runtimes: 3
Countries: Austria
Languages: None
Color Info: Color
Akas: In Out Con-fusions (Austria)