Hearst-International News Pictorial, No. 49


Hearst-International News Pictorial, No. 49


Year: 1916

Plot: Portland, Ore: Millions of roses are used to decorate floats that appear in the annual Rose Festival at Portland. Pretty girls and small children take part in the pageant of gorgeous blossoms. War Section: Turkish Infantry go into action against foe, fighting among the picturesque mountains. Many of the soldiers return wounded and are cared for by Red Crescent nurses. Scenic Feature: In southern Utah, 50,000 acres of magnificent red-stone cliffs tower, miles above the sea-level. San Francisco: Two disastrous fires visit this city, one sweeping the State Pier and destroying thousands of bales of cotton, and the other destroying an enormous warehouse with a loss of $150,000. Several firemen are overcome fighting the warehouse blaze. Fashion Section: The latest decrees of Dame Fashion are pictured in out-door settings, which show to the best advantage the most recent creations of America's most up-to-date modistes. Chicago: Children of the North Side public schools take possession of National League Baseball Park to demonstrate to their parents and a large gathering of others the results of their physical training. Salisbury Beach, Mass: The schooner Virginia, caught in a gale on the Atlantic, is tossed ashore near here, to be whipped to pieces by wind and wave. The entire National Guard of every state in the United States is called into readiness for duty along the Mexican border. General John F. O'Ryan is ready with 15,000 men to entrain the minute Brigadier-General Frederick Funston issues the command.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: Hearst-International News Pictorial, No. 49
Producer: William Randolph Hearst
Type: movie
Year: 1916
Genres: Documentary, Short, News
Cast: John F. O'Ryan
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 20 Jun 1916 (UK)
Production Companies: International Film Service
Distributors: International Film Service
Producer: William Randolph Hearst