Episode #1.2713

Episode #1.2713

Director: Pip Short

Year: 2000

Season: 1, Episode: 2713

Episodes: 8702

Plot: Tricia is shocked to find Virginia in Adam's bed. Kelly makes her feelings known about Scott and Roy's new partnership. Zoe rejects Lady Tara's proposal to invest in a stud farm. ITV.
Original Title: Episode #1.2713
Director: Pip Short
Writer: Tim Dynevor
Type: episode
Year: 2000
Genres: Drama, Romance
Cast: Bridget Fry , Louise Beattie , Leah Bracknell , Anna Brecon , Mark Charnock , Christopher Chittell , Freya Copeland , Elizabeth Estensen , Nicky Evans , Ben Freeman , Samantha Giles , Billy Hartman , Clive Hornby , Anthony Lewis , Stephen McGann , Kate McGregor , Sheree Murphy , Deena Payne , Verity Rushworth , Adele Silva , Alyson Spiro , Paula Tilbrook , Gary Turner , Tim Vincent
Original Air Date: 29 Jun 2000
Akas: Épisode #1.2713 (France, French title) , Folge #1.2713 (Germany, German title) , Episodio #1.2713 (Spain, Spanish title) , エピソード #1.2713 (Japan, Japanese title) , Episódio #1.2713 (Portugal, Portuguese title)
Production Companies: Yorkshire Television
Certificates: United States:TV-PG , United States:TV-14
Season: 1
Episode: 2713
Number of Episodes: 8702
Episode of: Episode #1.2713