Elvis and Bond
Elvis and Bond
Year: 2014
Season: 2, Episode: 9
Episodes: 32
Original Title:
Elvis and Bond
Kathryn Lennon
Hazel Popplewell
Ed Simpson
John Moulson
Reese Patterson
Matthew Braley
Adam Barry
Brent Montgomery
Aleese Horne
John Macnish
Elena Sorre
Type: episode
Year: 2014
Genres: Reality-TV
Vicki Manning
Original Air Date: 20 Oct 2014
Production Companies:
Leftfield Pictures
Mike Turnbull
Kathryn Lennon
Hazel Popplewell
Ed Simpson
John Moulson
Reese Patterson
Matthew Braley
Adam Barry
Brent Montgomery
Aleese Horne
John Macnish
Elena Sorre
Production Manager:
Regina Scott
Tim O'Connor
Chris Valentini
Jason Szabo
Martin Biehn
James Machado
Editorial Department:
Sky Gewant
Danielle DiStefano
Valerie Laleuf
Gregory Purpura
Amelia Cragle
Peter Osinski
Brandon Heer
Olivia Ciuperger
Sound Crew:
Kevin O'Leary
Darren Lilley
Music Department:
Missy Berkowitz
Vincent Varco
Miscellaneous Crew:
Ashley Adams
Will Nothacker
Brian Luff
David George
Alex Jarrett
Jennifer Parks
Courtney Montgomery
Whitney Matthews
Gretchen Palek
Jay Ahmed
Liam Dufferwiel
Kalee Forrester
Brett Revet
Daniel Price
Philip Brown
Camera and Electrical Department:
Nic Cartwright
Alwyn Davies
Danielle Gervais
Casting Department:
Matt Worthington
Coral Ernest-Rhone
Charles Clare
Emma Furniss
Amanda Ouse
Season: 2
Episode: 9
Number of Episodes: 32
Episode of:
Elvis and Bond