Disappointing the Parents


Disappointing the Parents


Year: 2009

Season: 1, Episode: 100

Episodes: 131

Original Title: Disappointing the Parents
Producer: Kamna Nirula Menezes , Fazila Allana
Type: episode
Year: 2009
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Music
Cast: Manmauji , Rajesh Jais , Sana Amin Sheikh , Nazneen Ghaani , Manini Mishra , Sonali Sachdev , Bhuvnesh Shetty , Shaheer Sheikh , Prabal Panjabi , Devansh Doshi , Shweta Tripathi , Ashish Juneja , Sumana Das , Rohit Bharadwaj , Vishakha Dugarh
Original Air Date: 2009
Production Companies: SOL Productions
Producer: Kamna Nirula Menezes , Fazila Allana
Season: 1
Episode: 100
Number of Episodes: 131
Episode of: Disappointing the Parents