Did He Just Get Rejected by the Love of His Life?


Did He Just Get Rejected by the Love of His Life?

Director: Michael Coulombe

Year: 2019

Season: 1, Episode: 3

Episodes: 4

Original Title: Did He Just Get Rejected by the Love of His Life?
Director: Michael Coulombe
Writer: Troy Akin
Type: episode
Year: 2019
Genres: Drama
Cast: Cam Montgomery Jr. , Maxfield Lund , Chris Ferro , Zakary Risinger , Todd Stroik , Aryè Campos , Jordan Birkland , Kory Getman , Arnau Robles , Arielle Raycene , Jake Jensen , Troy Akin , Tara Carbone , Ivan Fuchs , Ricardo Ordieres , Luca Bella , Majd Zahran , Cale Hammond , Aaron Berglund , Ben Sharples
Original Air Date: 26 Jun 2019
Cinematographer: Doug Frerichs , Joey Marshall
Editor: Joe Booroojian
Editorial Department: Joey Marshall
Sound Crew: Jessie Flores , James Hare
Assistant Director: Majd Zahran
Season: 1
Episode: 3
Number of Episodes: 4
Episode of: Did He Just Get Rejected by the Love of His Life?