Chase the Lion
tv series

Chase the Lion


Year: 2018

Plot: Life is anything but tame. Sooner or later, we all come face to face with a lion- an opportunity or dream so big that our first reaction is to run. These are the moments that define our lives. In Chase the Lion, Pastor Mark Batterson will inspire and teach you to grab opportunity by the mane, go after your God-sized dreams, and chase the lion.—TBN
Original Title: Chase the Lion
Writer: Devon Parks , Kristian Kelly
Type: tv series
Year: 2018
Genres: Action
Cast: Ed Lowry , Chuck Meré , Lauren Sweetser , Marty Shutter , Robert Babcock , Steven Marzolf , John Honey , Wade King , Glenn Turney , Greg Campbell , Jim Goza , Akili McDowell , Dustin Prince , Missy Speer Gipson , Jamey McGaugh , Josiah Overstreet , J.P. Morgan , V. Duwane Ledbetter , Trey Gibson , Elizabeth Jilka , Devon Fernandez , Darshaun McAway , Joshua Bevans , Bill Rogers , Barrack Okal , Preston Parks , Merle Katz , Henry Freeman , Oliver Freeman , Claire Holland , Kennedy Holland , Trey Smith
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Production Companies: Impact Productions , Mad Possum Pictures , Trinity Broadcasting Network
Distributors: Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
Other Companies: The Audio Planet
Series Years: 2018-2018