Bureaucracy of Love

tv movie

Bureaucracy of Love

Director: David Cohen

Year: 1987

Plot: The fate of two families who get involved with Britain's immigration laws. Devi Kumar and Zaffir Khan battle with the Home Office to prove the validity of their marriages. Who are the bureaucrats of love, who decide whether couples married for love or to get a husband into the UK?.
Original Title: Bureaucracy of Love
Director: David Cohen
Writer: David Cohen
Producer: Gill Fickling
Type: tv movie
Year: 1987
Genres: Romance
Cast: Ian Hogg , Harmage Singh Kalirai , Patricia Kerrigan , Sara Mair-Thomas , Michael McStay , Jonathan Oliver , Tony Osoba , Gurdial Sira , Meera Syal , Gordon Warnecke , David Wood
Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 22 Aug 1987 (UK)
Distributors: Channel 4 Television Corporation
Producer: Gill Fickling