Baby Jake Loves Spinning a Web


Baby Jake Loves Spinning a Web

Director: Rafael Diaz Canales

Year: 2012

Season: 2, Episode: 6

Episodes: 52

Plot: Baby Jake goes on a tropical adventure and makes friends with a brightly coloured hairy spider! Baby Jake copies hairy spider, dangling around from a tree and it's not long before Sydney the Monkey is dangling too - from her long, curly tail. When Hairy Spider climbs up its skein, Baby Jake and Sydney follow. They discover Hairy Spider's beautiful web. Baby Jake and Sydney make their own web by interlacing the vines from the trees and bounce up and down on it like a trampoline! Together with Sydney and Hairy Spider, Baby Jake boings and boings on the huge web until he is bouncing high above the tropical trees.—Anonymous
Original Title: Baby Jake Loves Spinning a Web
Director: Rafael Diaz Canales
Writer: Carol Noble
Type: episode
Year: 2012
Genres: Family
Cast: Richard Upton , Franco Bertacchi-Morroni , Kaizer Akhtar , Adamo Bertacchi-Morroni
Runtimes: 11
Original Air Date: 17 Sep 2012
Production Companies: CBeebies , Darrall Macqueen
Composer: Matt Katz , Richie Webb
Visual Effects: Niall Mooney
Script Department: Catherine Williams , Maria Ogunyale
Season: 2
Episode: 6
Number of Episodes: 52
Episode of: Baby Jake Loves Spinning a Web