America's Bloodiest Battle


America's Bloodiest Battle

Director: Nathan Williams

Year: 2021

Season: 1, Episode: 4

Episodes: 6

Plot: In 1944-1945, the advancing United States army enters the Hurtgen Forest on the border of Germany. The program examines the defenses the Germans used to attack the invading army.
Original Title: America's Bloodiest Battle
Director: Nathan Williams
Producer: Louisa Reid
Type: episode
Year: 2021
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Martin K.A. Morgan , Pete Kelsey
Original Air Date: 09 Nov 2021
Rating: 7.6
Votes: 9
Year: 2021
Producer: Louisa Reid
Sound Crew: Lydia Brown
Miscellaneous Crew: Georgina Rowlands , Laura von Speulda
Other Companies: Compost Creative
Season: 1
Episode: 4
Number of Episodes: 6
Episode of: America's Bloodiest Battle