A Wireless Romance


A Wireless Romance


Year: 1910

Plot: Miss Warren, a young girl of fashionable society, is still quite undecided if she shall entrust her heart and hand into the keeping of a well-known clubman, a gentleman of fashion, when a slight accident occurs, simple in the extreme, yet destined to change the course of at least three lives. This mishap is the dropping of a fan over a cliff near a river bank. In itself it is nothing, but it results in Miss Warren's acquaintance with a stranger who proves to be a wireless operator. Their second meeting occurs on a street corner while he is on his way to his station, a short distance off. Naught will do but the fashionable Miss Warren must visit for the first time and inspect the marvels and wonders of this modern invention. Soon she is deeply absorbed in the mysteries of wireless, while her teacher is more deeply absorbed in the color of her eyes, her hair and the dainty smile that lurks around her lips. At any rate the lesson continues, only it is a different kind of wireless from the Marconi system that is being flashed from eye to eye during long walks along the beach and silent good-byes at the gate of Miss Warren's mansion. One has but little doubt about the messages being all wireless, and I think it was stupid little Cupid who invented this system ages and ages ago. In the maze of mystery and mirth that has followed this fascinating flirtation and its quick ripening into deep human love. Miss Warren has almost forgotten to inform her fashionable suitor that his case is hopeless. Suddenly she is brought to her senses by a scandalous newspaper article in which her name is mentioned as being associated with a wager made in a drinking brawl at a public café, the wager being that her hand will be won within a week. In a moment Miss Warren sees her wireless operator as a common, drunken boaster, who has dared to boast that she has surrendered her heart to him. Hot with wounded pride and humiliation she writes Mr. Hartley, her almost forgotten suitor, that she accepts his offer of marriage and that they must be married at once. She will meet him aboard his private yacht and run down to Marrow, where they will be married before nightfall. Within a few hours she finds herself far out at sea, and is just beginning to realize what she is doing when she detects Mr. Hartley in the act of sending a wireless message claiming he has "won his wager." Then the truth dawns upon her; she had made the mistake of accusing the wrong man? She demands that Hartley return with her, but no, the game has gone too far now for this man of fashion to turn back and be made the laughing stock of all his friends. She will have to carry out her own proposition and marry him that night at Marrow. In the little wireless station at the sea coast sits the operator smoking his pipe and dreaming of one sweet girl who dropped her fan, when suddenly he hears the signal of distress. Again it comes flashing through the air followed by the initials of Ruth Warren, "on board Hartley's private yacht." A half hour later and a small racing launch slips out from the wharf bound for Marrow with a certain wireless operator on board. A chase at sea is a new feature in the moving picture field and one that adds an exciting interest to this especially fine film of the Edison Company. "Homeward bound" is the last subtitle, and it easily tells the closing incident in a fine photographic film which is filled with exceedingly dramatic situations, and which will hold popular sway wherever it is shown.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: A Wireless Romance
Type: movie
Year: 1910
Genres: Short, Romance
Cast: Mabel Trunnelle , Richard Neill
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 08 Jul 1910 (USA)
Production Companies: Edison Manufacturing Company
Distributors: General Film Company