1963: Ich Bin ein Berliner - John F. Kennedy


1963: Ich Bin ein Berliner - John F. Kennedy

Director: Serge Viallet

Year: 2010

Plot: In West Berlin on June 26, 1963, President John F. Kennedy delivered his most eloquent speech on the world stage, at the Rudolph-Wilde-Platz, Schöneberg, in front of 450 000 people.
Original Title: 1963: Ich Bin ein Berliner - John F. Kennedy
Director: Serge Viallet
Writer: Cédric Gruat , Serge Viallet
Producer: Elisabeth Hulten , Thierry Ippolito
Type: movie
Year: 2010
Genres: Documentary
Cast: Konrad Adenauer , Willy Brandt , Charles de Gaulle , John F. Kennedy
Runtimes: 26
Countries: France
Languages: French
Color Info: Color
Production Companies: ARTE
Distributors: ARTE
Producer: Elisabeth Hulten , Thierry Ippolito
Composer: Niels Poux
Editor: Pierre Catalan , Bertrand Amiot