video movie

The Iliad II: The Return

Director: Akis Melahris

Year: 2008

Original Title: The Iliad II: The Return
Director: Akis Melahris
Type: video movie
Year: 2008
Genres: Animation, Short
Cast: Akis Melahris , Giorgos Komiotis , Elli Moka
Runtimes: 17
Countries: Greece
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1 (PAL)
Akas: The Iliad II: The Return (Greece)
Certificates: Greece:K-17
Composer: Spyros Kourkounakis
Editor: Katerina Vamvasaki
Miscellaneous Crew: John M. Bradley
Animation Department: Akis Melahris , Katerina Vamvasaki