
The Flower of the North

Director: David Smith

Year: 1921

Plot: Two men, Philip Whittemore (Henry B. Walthall) and Thorpe (Harry Northrup) both go to the Northwest to gain the right-of-way for their railroad company from D'Arcambal (Emmett King). Whittemore arrives first and D'Arcambal refuses to meet with him until he saves his daughter, Jeanne (Pauline Starke) from going over the rapids. Then Thorpe arrives and tries to use force by kidnapping Jeanne and insisting that he is her father. It comes out that Thorpe actually did run off with D'Arcambal's wife years before. But a half-breed, Pierre (Joe Rickson), proves that Jeanne really is the daughter of D'Arcambal. The captive Jeanne is able to light a signal fire so that the Native Americans will rescue her. Eventually she and Whittemore are married.
Original Title: The Flower of the North
Director: David Smith
Writer: James Oliver Curwood , Bradley J. Smollen
Type: movie
Year: 1921
Genres: Drama
Cast: Henry B. Walthall , Pauline Starke , Harry Northrup , Joe Rickson , Jack Curtis , Emmett King , Walter Rodgers , William McCall , Vincente Howard
Runtimes: 93
Countries: United States
Languages: None
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 04 Dec 1921 (USA)
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 13
Year: 1921
Akas: Fjeld-pigen (Denmark) , Vildmarkens dronning (Denmark) , 北方の名花 (Japan, Japanese title)
Production Companies: Vitagraph Company of America
Distributors: Vitagraph Company of America , Silent Hall of Fame Enterprises
Synopsis: Philip Whittemore gets the exclusive Canadian rights to a fishery. He gets the financial backing of John Brokaw and John Thorpe, who send road builders to open the forest for traffic. But Brokaw plans to double-cross Whittemore. Whittemore fires one of his workers named Blake, who has been stirring up trouble with the local Indians. Because of the trouble, Whittemore's right-of-way has been revoked by D'Arcambal, owner of the land. Whittemore attempts to straighten out the issue, but D'Arcambal refuses to meet with him. Whittemore decides to see D'Arcambal anyway, and along the way, meets D'Arcambal's daughter Jeanne and her guardian, Pierre Couchee.Whittemore twice saves Jeanne's life; once when she is about to be abducted by men from the camp, and a second time when she is alone in a canoe in raging waters. A grateful D'Arcambal then meets with Whittemore, and restores the right-of-way. Whittemore promises to stop the offenses against the Indians. Thorpe, sent by Brokaw, wants to get the right-of-way from Whittemore, so he secretly meets with Jeanne and tells her he is her real father. If Jeanne cannot secure the right-of-way for him, he will tell D'Arcambal the story. Meanwhile, Thorpe has organized a party of men disguised as Indians to attack the camp and village.Later, when Jeanne tells Thorpe she did not help him, he attacks her but she escapes. When Pierre intervenes, Thorpe shoots him, but Pierre throws his knife and strikes a mortal blow to Thorpe. Pierre, dying from his wound, confirms that Thorpe is her father. Years earlier, Thorpe had run off with her mother, and Pierre later found her and Jeanne at his cabin door. Jeanne lights a tree on fire, as a signal for the Indians to come to the rescue of the village. The crooks are driven off after a fierce battle. Whittemore sees Pierre just before the Frenchman dies. Pierre gives Whittemore a locket with a picture of Jeanne's mother, and tells him the story about Thorpe. Pierre dies, and then Whittemore finds a note hidden inside the locket, proving that D'Arcambal is really Jeanne's father. Whittemore gives the locket and note to D'Arcambal, and when Jeanne arrives, she and Whittemore are happily united.
Cinematographer: W. Steve Smith Jr.
Miscellaneous Crew: Albert E. Smith