
The Colonel's Daughter


Year: 1911

Plot: Lieut. Perry wins the General's daughter, Helen, and Lieut. Thorne, an old enemy and rival, disappointed and defeated, seeks a means of revenge upon the more fortunate suitor. There is to be a military ball at the post that night, and Thorne evolves a shrewd plan of placing Perry in a compromising situation. He goes to an inn of ill repute in the vicinity, and proposes to one of the immoral women, Milly, to attend the ball with him and make a scene involving Perry. During an interval between dances, Thorne approaches Perry and his sweetheart, and presents his companion to them. Thorne asks Helen for a dance, which is granted, leaving Perry to dance with the hired woman. While they are dancing, Milly feigns faintness, and Perry escorts her to the veranda, where she might get some air. Thorne sees the incident, and grasps the opportunity to tell Helen that be loves her and that Perry is false to her. Helen denounces the slander, and he challenges her to go with him to the veranda and prove his accusation true. She goes. Perry is seen fanning Milly, who seems to have recovered. She asks Perry to sit beside her for a moment. She tells him she loves him, and puts her arms about his neck. Perry, bewildered and astonished, stares at her but the evil has been done; Helen has seen, and with a breaking heart she reenters the ballroom with Thorne. A little later, when Perry returns, she spurns him. He tries to explain, but she walks away from him, asking Thorne to see her home. He who plays with fire will be burned. Milly blackmails Thorne for more money, more and still more. At last he can give her no more, and she threatens to tell Helen all. Thorne, driven to desperation raids the safe in the commissary. A soldier detects him in the act, and forces him to replace the money. In the meantime, Milly has carried out her threat and told Helen and the General what she has done. Helen seeks out Perry and, well, just what you expect happens.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: The Colonel's Daughter
Type: movie
Year: 1911
Genres: Short, Drama
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 17 Aug 1911 (USA)
Production Companies: Rex Motion Picture Company
Distributors: Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company