tv movie

The Blame Game: Are We a Country of Victims?


Year: 1994

Plot: A documentary examination of the rise of "victim" status and the corresponding decline in personal responsibility.
Original Title: The Blame Game: Are We a Country of Victims?
Writer: Gabriella Messina , Joanna Breen , Steve Brand , John Stossel
Producer: Gabriella Messina , Joanna Breen , Steve Brand
Type: tv movie
Year: 1994
Genres: Documentary
Runtimes: 45
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 26 Oct 1994 (USA)
Rating: 7.4
Votes: 9
Year: 1994
Distributors: ABC News
Producer: Gabriella Messina , Joanna Breen , Steve Brand
Box Office: $750,000 (estimated)
Editor: Dana Tamura , Tyler Rutt , Rich Rutter , Saverio Camporeale
Editorial Department: John Molloy