
The Bankhurst Mystery


Year: 1915

Plot: Reginald Mason, manager of J. Jacard and Son, jewelers, conspires with Jim Hanson to steal the famous Kaffire diamond. This celebrated gem recently has been recovered from crooks by Remar, the detective, and placed in the vaults of Jacard and Son. Mrs. Mason overhears the plot, and pleads with her husband not to commit the theft. Failing to move him, she slips out that evening and talks to Hanson. The next morning Mrs. Mason's body is found in the shrubbery. Hanson, believing himself safe, summons Remar, who makes a brief examination and then declares that the woman has been stabbed. Her husband is accused of her murder. Hanson's wife is masquerading at the hotel as "Miss Eleanor Brown." Remar sees her leave the hotel with Mason. The detective follows. Later, returning unseen to his room, he watches through a hole which he has previously made in the curtain, the interior of Hanson's room. He sees Mason hand Hanson the Kaffire diamond. That night, Remar tries all the shoes left out in the hall to be shined, and finds that Hanson's fit the plaster cast of the footprint. Early next morning he summons his assistant. Scarcely has he returned to his room, when he sees Hanson and the supposed "Miss Brown" leaving in an automobile. He realizes that Hanson is making his getaway with his wife. Remar dashes into a taxicab and gives pursuit. He overtakes the crooks, and leaping onto the running board of their machine, points his pistol at the driver's head. Hanson stabs the detective, and Remar is left unconscious by the roadside. Here he is found and revived by his assistant. The two give chase in the assistant's racing machine. Hanson and "Miss Brown" are captured at the depot. Remar sends his aide to arrest Mason. The eminent detective recovers the Kaffire diamond and restores it to Jacard and Son before they discover that the priceless valuable has been stolen.—Moving Picture World synopsis
Original Title: The Bankhurst Mystery
Type: movie
Year: 1915
Genres: Short
Cast: Allan Sears , Alfred Paget , Jack Brammall , Irene Hunt , Margery Wilson
Countries: United States
Languages: None , English
Color Info: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Silent
Original Air Date: 19 Dec 1915 (USA)
Production Companies: Reliance Film Company
Distributors: Mutual Film