video movie

Star Wreck

Director: Samuli Torssonen

Year: 1992

Plot: Captain James B. Pirk of the Starship C.P.P. Kickstart and his crew, Commander Dwarf and Commander Info, find themselves stranded on 21st Century Earth after a previous adventure to save the planet from hostile aliens.
Original Title: Star Wreck
Director: Samuli Torssonen
Writer: Samuli Torssonen
Type: video movie
Year: 1992
Genres: Animation, Short, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Cast: Samuli Torssonen , Janne Torssonen , Antti Keskinen
Runtimes: 4
Countries: Finland
Languages: Finnish
Color Info: Color
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Original Air Date: 07 Dec 1998 (Finland)
Rating: 4.3
Votes: 227
Year: 1992
Akas: Star Wreck I (Finland)
Production Companies: ST Movies
Distributors: Tuotantoyhtiö Energia , Yleisradio (YLE)
Certificates: Finland:K-15