

Director: Joan Lopez Lloret

Year: 2018

Season: 1, Episode: 10

Episodes: 20

Plot: 8 years after watching Spain win the World Cup as teenagers, Marco Asensio, Saúl Ñíguez, Iñaki Williams, and Denis Suárez strive to make their national team. Along the way, they must make their mark at the U-21 European Championship to be considered for the senior squad.
Original Title: Spain
Director: Joan Lopez Lloret
Producer: Mario Melchiot , Oriol Cortacans , Thomas Verrette , Arbi Pedrossian , Samer Imam , Gilles Perez , Cyrille Perez , Joshua Glassel , David Brooks , Steven Johnson
Type: episode
Year: 2018
Genres: Documentary, Sport
Runtimes: 44
Original Air Date: 2018
Production Companies: 20th Digital Studio
Producer: Mario Melchiot , Oriol Cortacans , Thomas Verrette , Arbi Pedrossian , Samer Imam , Gilles Perez , Cyrille Perez , Joshua Glassel , David Brooks , Steven Johnson
Production Manager: Joshua Gardner
Certificates: United States:TV-14
Editor: Tomás Muñoz
Editorial Department: Isotta Trastevere , Hailey Millar
Sound Crew: Sébastien Crueghe
Music Department: Carolynne Wyper , Lesley Jackson
Miscellaneous Crew: Paul Hillier , Kerry Michael Saxena , Georgina González , Max Kehs , Sharon Kikinis , Kelsey Wilkins , Chantal Danh , Lauren Gilbert
Other Companies: Label 42 Studio , SMA Talent
Season: 1
Episode: 10
Number of Episodes: 20
Episode of: Spain